I've not been able to share any memories of Steven so far...been thinking about him a lot...
But this morning his picture appeared unexpectedly in such a random place that I wanted to share with you because he's put a huge smile on my face.
I've moved back to my mum and dads for lockdown 3 and I started going through a box of stuff I'd torn from magazines as a teenager that I thought was cool enough to keep! (probably around 2003/2004?)
Right at the top of the box I see Stevens gorgeous face looking right up at me :)
It seems to be from a piece 'Out & About: Sheffield' in Dazed and Confused magazine about the best things in Sheffield, so OBVIOUSLY Steven is at the top of the list!
I'd always wanted to go to Sheffield (I've only been to the train station as a child) so I think that's why I kept it?
I remember when I started at Curzon and met Steven, I was star struck!
"I used to read about you in the NME!" I told him.
He just smiled and laughed and was his gorgeous, wonderful self and I miss him very much.
The teenage me musta known a good thing when she saw it. It Is a privilege and a joy to know Steven - the coolest person I've ever met X