Hello all,
Thanks to whoever created this space. I have been reading through and it has been nice to discover some parts of Steven through it. I wasn't ever super close to Steven but considered him a friend.
I moved to London in 2008 when I was 18 and met Steven not long after as he was filming a short film about Dorian Gray. I always thought it funny as Steven himself was forever young.
As we were both cinephiles, we became friends, and I did a bunch of films with Steven of the years.
Here is a link to a film called Black Red Abyss, a sort of Giallo type horror short which we shot in 2012 but that Steven had never finished. Please note that he never put it out, so I am sure wasn't satisfied with it. The grading, some VFX, and the sound design I believe was still to be completed, but it holds a lot of Steven's amazing taste and personality. I am sharing the link at the bottom of this post.
I had introduced Steven to my friend Brad when he needed a drummer for a band he created a glam metal band called Villain. They didn't play for very long, but I loved them live. My friend Romain took some stills from their gig at The Old Blue Last, and I recently got them scanned so sharing them here.
Steven was for me one of those free and mad characters which made me love England and London. Everytime I saw him he put a smile on my face.
You'll always stay in my mind my ageless rockstar horror friend x
Link to film and pictures: